
Philosophy of Ministry

I believe that Jesus is the Savior of the world, pure truth, and exclusively the path to relationship with God. He rules all. [John 1:1-16, Colossians 1:15-23, John 14:6, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4]

The Church must remain committed to the fundamental teaching that Jesus is Lord of all and the source of all wisdom and truth. Jesus alone has the power through his death and resurrection to bring sinful mankind back into the family of God.

I believe that God has ordained ministers to lead his church towards his will in accomplishing his redeeming work on Earth. [Ephesians 4:11-14]

God has gifted members of his body to lead his church. These leaders must submit to the truth of scripture and the authority of Christ in their teaching and leadership.

I believe that God makes his appeal to humanity through us. Thus, every believer takes part in the ministry of reconciliation. [2 Corinthians 5:11-20]

Scripture is clear that God makes his appeal to humanity through humanity. As the Gospel transforms the soul of an individual, the ministry of spreading the story of Christ becomes the single goal of life.

I believe the church is meant to be a community effort. [Acts 2:42-47]

The church cannot exist as a assembly of individuals, but works together as a body. Banded together in love and faith, Christians must work together to follow and fulfill the will of God in ministry and evangelism.

I believe the church should be hard to leave. [Acts 15:19]

People who were nothing like Jesus were drawn to him. The church should be magnetic. If we repel instead of attract, we discredit the message of Jesus. We should not create unnecessary obstacles for people who are turning to God.

I believe the Gospel is simple. [1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Ephesians 2:1-10]

Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the dead. According to the Bible, this changes everything.

Core Values


God communicates to humanity, and ministry is an extension of this communication. We live in a culture that is constantly communicating a message of some sort. We must speak the Gospel into this context with compelling conviction.


Ministry must be continually evaluated. The effectiveness of programming, approach and content is dependent on our willingness to examine. Evaluation precedes excellence.


The Gospel of Christ is worthy of the absolute best creativity and presentation we can dream up.


God calls those who will lead to count others more valuable than themselves. Without a servant heart, a leader will alienate those they wish to lead.


Our creative God created creators. He gave us this dynamic quality to be leveraged for the sake of the Gospel in every medium.


If the message of the Gospel is not preached from a heart that has experienced it, it will fail.


The church need not imitate culture, last week’s culture or last week’s church. The Gospel is worthy of the creativity needed to produce originality in design and presentation. Jesus' message was consistent but personally engaged each new listener.


Cooperation is fundamental to a worldwide movement. Christians must collaborate in ministry to be the most effective across cultures, communities and church boundaries.