The Babylonians came tearing through Israel. They conquered cities, pulled apart families, and took over the land. Eventually they made it to Israel’s pride and joy: Jerusalem. The king of Babylon, the mighty Nebuchadnezzar, led a full-scale assault of the city. He laid siege to it, hoping to intimidate and starve its inhabitants into submission.
Eventually, the king of Judah, a guy named Jehoiakim, gave up. He relented and opened the city to the invaders. The Babylonians always took the best things back with them. They raided Jerusalem, sacked the city, and looted its goods. They even walked into the temple of Israel’s God and took some of the golden vessels. Having gathered the most valuable items around, the king headed back to Babylon.
But Nebuchadnezzar left someone behind: Ashpenaz.
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